Courses below are six weeks in length. Students may also register for a 3-week course, which is the first three weeks of the courses listed below.
Those 3-week courses are designated with an "S" (short), MSA101S, MSA102S, etc. and are 60 hours.

CMA101 Beginning I:
Presents the rudiments of the spoken dialect with an emphasis on functional aspects of the dialect in day-to-day interactions with Moroccans. Emphasis on drilling important phrases. No prior background in either CMA or MSA is assumed. May be taught with or without recourse to the Arabic script depending on student interest. Text: Introduction to Colloquial Moroccan Arabic CMA 100. (Six weeks, 120 hours*)

CMA101X Beginning I, Accelerated:
Presents rudiments of the spoken dialect with an emphasis on the functional aspects of the dialect in day-to-day interactions with Moroccans. Emphasis on drilling important phrases. Taught using Arabic script; Minimal prior background in MSA required. Text: Introduction to Colloquial Moroccan Arabic CMA 100. (Six weeks,120 hours*)

CMA102 Beginning II:
Provides a sound basis for the development of oral/aural skills in CMA for students with no prior background in Arabic. Curriculum includes training in Arabic script. Empowers students to function in a wide variety of day-to-day situations with Moroccans. Text: Introduction to Colloquial Moroccan Arabic CMA 200, Book 1. (Six weeks, 120 hours*)

CMA102X Beginning II, Accelerated:
Provides a basis for rapid acquisition of the capacity to engage in complex discussions by harnessing students' existing MSA vocabulary and knowledge. Intensive oral drills are supplemented by vocabulary exercises designed to delineate distinctions between CMA and MSA usage and vocabulary. Prior background in MSA assumed. Text: Introduction to Colloquial Moroccan Arabic CMA 200, Book 1. (Six weeks, 120 hours*)

CMA201 Intermediate I:
Covers complex grammatical structures with further expansion of students' vocabulary mastery. Prerequisite: CMA102 or language coordinator's approval. Text: Introduction to Colloquial Moroccan Arabic CMA 200, Book 2.(Six weeks, 120 hours*)

CMA202 Intermediate II: Proverbs and Stories:
Exposes the post-elementary CMA student to a wide range of the rich, traditional lore of Moroccan culture. Prerequisite: CMA201 or language coordinator's approval. Text: Introduction to Colloquial Moroccan Arabic CMA 200, Book 2.(120 hours, by special request*)

*Please note: For all classes, there must be 3 or more students. If there are 2 students, hours of instruction will be reduced. If there is only one student, the course will be considered a private class.